<heading-style-h2>Pack 100+ <heading-style-h2>
<heading-style-h6>Allows the equipment of large sections of zip lines or bridges. Ziplines or bridges with sections greater than 100 meters. <heading-style-h6>
<heading-style-h3>Assembly procedure <heading-style-h3>
1. Check the condition of the anchor support and the cable.
2. Place the Pack on the support by positioning it ideally on the slice.Position the 12 mm lifeline cable inside the aluminum matrix using the 14 bolts.Tighten to a tightening torque of 50 Nm.
<heading-style-h3>Installation advice <heading-style-h3>
The cable at the exit of the matrix is oriented downwards so as to allow a smooth passage of the safety hook on the plates and between the support and the Pack.
Attention: the hook must be able to pass freely.
The lifespan of the material depends on the quality of the support and the environment.
Deterioration may be increased in certain environments, snow, ice, falling rocks. A minimum check every 12 months is necessary.