<heading-style-h2>OCHO+ <heading-style-h2>
<heading-style-h6>Hook with V of wear without evacuation for minimum maintenance and high efficiency. <heading-style-h6>
<heading-style-h3>Checking the brackets <heading-style-h3>
Hooks are PPE, they must be checked before each use and reviewed periodically at least once a year.
If the wear of the hook reaches the indicator, it must be replaced.
If excessive lateral play in the upper or lower flyweight is observed, replace the hook. A check rod is provided to check the wear of the hooks.
A product life sheet must be completed at each periodic review (document in Excel format available on request). Refer to the instructions for each hook for the details of the checks to be carried out before each use and during the periodic examination.
<heading-style-h3>Installation advice <heading-style-h3>
Attention: the hook must be able to pass freely.
The lifespan of the material depends on the quality of the support and the environment.
A minimum check every 12 months is required.
- Automatic locking of the hook in case of a fall.
- Interchangeable wear V
- Integrated wear indicator